2009年4月13日 星期一

Andre Rieu / Live In Australia 2008




  除了迷人且豪華的舞台聲光,音樂的安排也是一大享受。歌唱部份有舞台劇的抒情歌曲”I Belong To Me”與三位男高音演唱的公主徹夜未眠等。不能忘懷的多首史特勞斯圓舞曲響起時,許多觀眾也隨著旋律起舞。另外舞台兩側也特別設置雕塑噴泉,隨著樂聲呈現不同的水花樂舞。此外音樂會進入安可曲演奏時突然出現澳洲的聯邦警察風笛隊成兩列,演奏蘇格蘭名曲並由觀眾席走向舞台最上方。接著有洗滌心靈的”Amazing Grace”與巴西熱鬧節奏的樂曲”Marina”。同時這個演出因為在澳洲造成極大響與轟動,DVD2008年底推出後不到兩個月,就創下澳洲DVD史上最高銷售紀錄40萬片紀錄。這場獨一無二的音樂嘉年華,絕對是DVD視聽享受的最佳品質保證。


1.Seventy-Six Trombones
2.Blaze Away
4.Roses From The South
5.Chianti Songbalklaenge
6.Nessun Dorma
7.Elyen A Magyar!aro
8.Sportpalast Waltz
9.O Mio Babbino Caro
10.The White Horse Inn
11.Emperor Waltz
12.Concerto Pour Une Voix
13.Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
14.Botany Bay
15.On The Beautiful Blue Danube
16.Trumpet Voluntary
17.I Belong To Me
19.Radetzky March
20.Strauss & Co
21.Advance Australia Fair
22.Australian Medley
23.Scotland The Brave
24.Amazing Grace
25.Adieu, Mein Keliner Gardeoffizier
27.Waltzing Matilda
28.Along The Road To Gundagai

資料來源 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/dvd/dvdfile.php?item=D020025317#top5


 特別感謝  音樂影片推薦人:  Roy Lin 為我們準備以下詳實的資料


The DVD of "Andre Rieu Live in Australia" which was performed in Nov 2008 in Melbourne in front of an audience of 40,000 ( a record number). Sue and I witnessed the same show in Sydney (ANZ Stadium). It's basically a salon orchestra playing popular "light" music, e.g. waltz, theme music from operettas.


Andre has a strong passion of making people happy with his music. He started his venture over 20 years ago and has become so successful that his orchestra now tours to major world cities and perfomrs every year. It's quite an entertaining and exhilarating concert that I believe our friends will also enjoy.


The following document is an article about the background of Andre Rieu for reference.

André Rieu          生平


安德烈·瑞歐在荷蘭馬斯特里赫特(Maastricht)出生,從5歲起開始學習小提琴。他在一個有着六個孩子的音樂世家長大,父親是作曲家。從童年起他就有着異乎尋常的管弦樂天分。1968年到1973年,他在比利時列日的皇家藝術學校(Conservatoire Royal)學習小提琴。他的老師包括著名的喬·猶大(Jo Juda)和赫曼·克瑞伯斯(Herman Krebbers)。自1974年到1977年,他在布魯塞爾參加了音樂研究院,與安德烈·格特勒(André Gertler)一起學習。在研究院,他曾贏得過頭等獎。

在大學里,他表演過佛蘭茲·勒哈(Franz Lehár)創作的《金色和銀色》(Gold And Silver)華爾茲,廣獲好評。因此他決定繼續走華爾茲路線。他創立了馬斯特里赫特管弦樂沙龍,並作為小提琴手與比利時林堡交響樂團一起演奏。1987年開始他創立了約翰斯特勞斯管弦樂隊以及他自己的公司。從此以後他戲劇化的舞台表演和搖滾歌星般的舉止成為了華爾茲蘇醒的一種興奮劑。然而很多人批評他無休止的民粹主義,以及不加批判信奉消費文化的態度。[2]


成立於1987年,開始的時候安德烈·瑞歐的管弦樂隊只有寥寥12人,如今則成為擁有40——50位音樂家的龐大隊伍。最開始該樂隊在歐洲巡迴演出,一度引發了對華爾茲音樂的極大興趣。這次復蘇最開始發生在他的家鄉荷蘭,隨後因為他們改編自交響曲作家季米特里·肖斯塔科維奇Dmitri Shostakovich)的專輯《第二華爾茲》(Second Waltz)而引發極大關注。自然的,他被稱作「華爾茲之王」(The King Of Waltz)。

安德烈的樂隊不僅在歐洲巡迴演出,還多次前往北美日本。他們獲得過多次獎項,例如兩次世界音樂獎,並且在全世界很多地方上過金牌榜,比如在荷蘭8次登上白金榜。20079月,安德烈首次在澳大利亞墨爾本的瑞英伍德區(Ringwood)東商場單獨演奏《我的路》和《馬蒂爾達華爾茲》,第二天前往悉尼競技谷區(Arena Cove)瓦瑞高商場(Warringah)表演相同的曲目。[3]






Early life and studies

André Rieu was born into a musical family on October 1, 1949 in Maastricht in the Netherlands . He began studying violin at the age of five. His father was a conductor. From a very young age he developed a fascination with orchestra. He studied violin at the Conservatoire Royal in Liège and in the Conservatorium Maastricht, (1968–1973). His teachers included Jo Juda and Herman Krebbers. From 1974 to 1977, he attended the Music Academy in Brussels , studying with André Gertler, winning the Premier Prix at the academy.


At University he performed the Gold And Silver Waltz by Franz Lehár. Encouraged by the audience reaction he decided to pursue the waltz form. Rieu formed the Maastricht Salon Orchestra and performed as a violinist with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra. In 1987, he created the Johann Strauss Orchestra and his own production company. Since then, his melodramatic stage performances and rock-star demeanor have for some been associated with a revival of the waltz music category.

Johann Strauss Orchestra

The Orchestra began in 1987 with 12 members but now performs with between 40 and 50 musicians. At the time the Orchestra first toured Europe , there emerged a renewed interest in waltz music. The revival began in the Netherlands and was ignited by their recording of the Second Waltz from Shostakovich's Jazz Suites. As a result, Rieu became known as the waltz King.

Rieu and his orchestra have performed throughout Europe, in North America, and Japan . Winning a number of awards including two World Music Awards, their recordings have gone gold and platinum in many countries, including 8-times Platinum in the Netherlands . In September 2007 Rieu performed in Australia for the first time solo, without his Orchestra at the Eastland shopping centre in the Melbourne suburb of Ringwood playing "My Way" and "Waltzing Matilda" - and the next day appeared at Sydney ’s Arena Cove, Warringah Mall shopping complex with the same set. Rieu and orchestra returned to Australia in November as part of his world tour. Rieu and his orchestra played 3 concerts at Melbourne 's Telstra Dome from 13-15 November and continued their tour throughout Perth , Sydney , Brisbane and Adelaide , through to December 2008. The concert theme is 'A Romantic Vienna Night' and the set comprises a complete replica of a Viennese castle, complete with 2 ice-skating rinks 2 Fountains, and a ballroom dance floor situated above and behind the Orchestra. Rieu's largest concert attendance to date in Australia was 38,000 on Saturday 15th November in Melbourne . The Perth concert did not feature the replica of the Viennese Palace as it was stated in the press because it would not fit into the front doors of Subiaco Oval.

He records both DVD and CD repertoire at his own recording studios in Maastricht in a wide range of classical music as well as popular and folk music plus music from well-known sound tracks and theatre musicals. His lively orchestral presentations, in tandem with incessant marketing, have attracted worldwide audiences to this subgenre of classical music.

Criticism Of Rieu

There is a considerable critical response to Rieu's musical performances. The artistic director of the Australian Chamber Orchestra, Richard Tognetti, has described Rieu's music as Schlagermusik, among other things.[2]

Eamon Kelly writing in The Australian newspaper, in an article that discusses the controversy that Rieu engenders, said: "He depicts his critics as members of a stuffy musical elite with narrow aesthetic tastes, yet regularly demeans in interviews music that is not to his taste and classical musicians who choose not to perform in his manner." [3]

Personal life

He is married to Marjorie, and has two sons: Marc and Pierre, who works with him full-time as production manager. He speaks (in order of fluency) Dutch (including his home/city dialect Maastrichtian), English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.[citation needed] Rieu has worked with his brother, Jean Philippe for several years, but Jean Philippe has now started his own production company. André Rieu plays a 1667 Stradivarius violin.[1] Some of his orchestra's performances have been broadcast in the United Kingdom and the United States on the PBS television network[4] such as the 2003 airing of Andre Rieu Live in Dublin, filmed in Dublin , Ireland , and 2005’s André Rieu Live in Tuscany filmed in the Piazza Della Repubblica in the village of Cortona in Tuscany .




澳洲樂活讀書會 第八十八期活動預告 『 悅讀閱讀 享受幸福』

澳洲樂活讀書會 第八十八期活動預告   『   悅讀閱讀 享受幸福』   閱讀可以陶冶性情,也是終身學習的基石   , 能彼此分享或聽導讀,讓自己有個動機來閱讀也是很好的事情 . 一起閱讀 ’ 吧! 讓我們保持年輕 .   永遠像個學生 ,   保持...