2010年9月26日 星期日

「 聽!心城之歌」(Only If Romeo Knew)環保舞台劇介紹:

 聽!心城之歌」(Only If Romeo Knew)環保舞台劇介紹:

"慈濟環保20週年,雪梨慈青選擇以藝術創作結合環保深入在地文化為結合在地文化,從編劇到演出,全程皆以英文對話加中文解說。原本對舞台劇毫無經驗的這群年輕慈濟人為此用盡腦力,試圖以最淺顯的詞句和最通常的對話將慈濟的將慈濟環保的理念以音樂劇的方式來演出,利用地形,地物將原來較長方形的佛堂,分成兩端舞台,一邊是落後的第三世界,一邊是富裕,先進的國家,不懂惜福愛物,予取予求的生活現況。兩相比較編出知福惜福再造福的情節,將環保的理念融入生活化,以層層扣人心弦。Only if Romeo Knew,是一齣由雪梨慈青自編,自導,自演的浪漫愛情喜劇。劇中帶入了時下全球最夯的議題:環保來點綴劇情,增加深度。 舞台劇的主人翁Chris Adrianna,會在Pandemona City 嚴重的貧富生活環境中,譜出什麼樣扣人心懸,感人肺腑的故事呢?在這對從沒見過面的兩個人背後,又是什麼樣不可思議的力量讓他們的生活緊緊相扣呢?



Only If Romeo Knew都是一場不能錯過的舞台劇。整個舞台劇從編寫,角色設定,海報宣傳,舞台設計都是由最專業的人士親臨打造.劇情的演出將圍繞著觀眾的四周,以最有創意的互動方式,讓大家身歷其境的體驗新世代的音樂話劇。舞台設計及服裝設計都是用環保紙箱及材質做成的!




您好~雪梨慈青誠摯邀請您來參與一場有意義的活動-「聽!心城之歌」 Only If Romeo Knew 愛情環保舞台劇,慈青們努力、用心籌備了好久,需要大家一起支持!

雪梨慈濟大專青年聯誼會,「聽!心城之歌」(Only If Romeo Knew)慈善公演,除緊鑼密鼓排演外,現在已經開放售票。


  結合愛情故事與環保議題的「聽!心城之歌」(Only If Romeo Knew),希望藉由這齣戲的公演,讓大家意識到環境議題的重要性,了解我們都是地球村的一份子,每一個人的生活方式,都將對彼此之間與這個地球造成影響。希望每一位觀眾在看完這齣戲之後,能夠學習聆聽大地的心聲與呼喊,對我們居住的土地與人群,從此不再冷漠。這齣戲的演職員,來自不同背景,但他們以用心表現專業的演技,打造專業的舞台、燈光、音樂與音效。而本劇的內容深富教育意義,是一齣適合全家大小一起共同觀賞的好戲。






公演地點:慈濟澳洲分會靜思堂 20-22 Glen StreetEastwood  NSW 2122


詳情請洽:慈濟澳洲分會:02-98747666 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              02-98747666      end_of_the_skype_highlightingsydney@tzuchi.org.au (票務專線)



"The stage production “Only If Romeo Knew” from Sydney Tzu Ching has finally arrived! Tickets are on sale NOW, and please invite your family and friends to come along and immerse themselves in a world of captivating drama, which is guaranteed to be worth every penny of your price of admission.

All proceeds from ticket sales will go to Tzu Chi’s international relief fund for the long-term rebuilding of earthquake-stricken Haiti. Please help us out by coming to see our play and invite as many as you can, so that quake victims in Haiti can soon have a safe and steady home built for them.

This production is an environmental love-comedy that takes the audiences to unexpected (out of the box) lengths to discover the true meaning of the storyline. Pandemona has a despairing poverty gap between its residents between the City East and the City South. Christopher comes from the top of the pyramid family in East Pandemona.  Graduated from Architecture 3 years ago, he is recognized as the best up and coming young Architect of his generation. Adrianna’s life cannot be any more different.  Coming from one of the poorest family of Pandemona, she was brought up to withstood famine, drought and diseases.  Woman of her background often fell witness to the blood-shed conflicts between families that ignited from the lack of the most basic of human needs: food, water and shelter. This story is about the meeting of the two people or perhaps two lifestyles.  In time, Christopher will come to learn just how deeply rooted the connections are between his life and hers. How will he react to it? How will her life change?  And where does that leave Pandemona?

Running between the storyline will be the four most discussed environmental issues: Waste management, global warming, famine & drought, and environmental pollution.  This play is fun, exciting, educational and features a theme that everyone can easily relate to.  Be sure to drop by Eastwood in October to experience the production of a lifetime by TC!

 For more information about this production, please find attached file of Production Info Sheet and Invitation Poster.

 We are ready to give both our Planet Earth and Haiti a helping hand. Are you?"

Show time

•2nd October, Saturday, 1pm & 7pm

•3rd October, Sunday, 3pm

•9th October, Saturday, 1pm & 7pm

•10th October, Sunday, 3pm

Tickets: $20 and $10 for Students (All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to earthquake relief in Haiti)

Ticket sales contact: Evon 0433 110 713 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0433 110 713      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Phoebe 02-9874-7666 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              02-9874-7666      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or e-mail: sydney@tzuchi.org.au

Thank you.


澳洲樂活讀書會 第八十八期活動預告 『 悅讀閱讀 享受幸福』

澳洲樂活讀書會 第八十八期活動預告   『   悅讀閱讀 享受幸福』   閱讀可以陶冶性情,也是終身學習的基石   , 能彼此分享或聽導讀,讓自己有個動機來閱讀也是很好的事情 . 一起閱讀 ’ 吧! 讓我們保持年輕 .   永遠像個學生 ,   保持...