2010年12月25日 星期六

Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year - 聖誕 Party 活動照片分享


Dear All,

Thank you for all of your support and effort,

What a valuable year with you together.

Look forward for another great year to come in 2011.


Best wish to you all have enjoyable holiday on this festival season.

May this season filled with Happiness, Love and Peace.


祝福您閤家 聖誕快樂, 萬事順意

西北校區家長會  & 樂活讀書會 敬上


2010 12  19 日  Christmas Party 活動照片分享


Sophia Huang : " Ho Ho Ho. Christmas is landing here "  

Lisa Chu 細心妝點的聖誕場景

感謝劉校長 (不好意思,劉校長有事先離開,所以來不及拍照,下次一定拍多些 )

家長和讀書會好友共同參與..佳璘姐的場地支援..Justin Fan 的 BBQ Christmas gift.

我們的一對開心果 - Frances Chen & Louise Lu

Roy Lin , Sue Wong 夫婦 &  Frances Chi

Chares Lin & Aven Lin 夫婦 -- 正巧 Party 這天也是他們的結婚週年慶.

Frances Chen 特調的清涼冰飲..

賣相專業的油飯..Aven Lin 的好手藝.


Sophia Huang 私房的黃山貢菊茶

各式各樣的美食分享 -- 海南雞飯, 滷肉飯 , 烤雞肉, 素菜料理, 海鮮, 咕咾肉,義大利麵.羹湯..etc

大家祝賀 Richard Liu & Winnie Chang  的喜訊

大小朋友歡唱 卡拉 OK..

愉快又難忘的 Christmas Party ..Wish everyone enjoy your holiday too .  



Sydney Festival 2011 Program

2011 1 月雪梨藝文活動分享

Festival Inside Out: Sydney Dance Company & Australian Chamber Orchestra (Parramatta)



January 21 at 8pm


2hrs, including interval


The Crescent
Parramatta Park, Parramatta




Music and dance under the stars

Festival Inside Out is Sydney Festival's newest addition to its annual free outdoor program.

Two of Australia's finest performing arts companies, the Australian Chamber Orchestra and Sydney Dance Company come together for a thrilling double bill.

Under the direction of Assistant Leader, Satu Vänskä, the Australian Chamber Orchestra performs a special Festival program created around Summer from Vivaldi's Four Seasons, before Sydney Dance Company takes to the stage for an explosive performance of 6 Breaths, Artistic Director Rafael Bonachela's stunningly athletic 2010 creation with music by Ezio Bosso.

In between, some of Western Sydney's brightest young talents join the Australian Chamber Orchestra in Thinking about Forever, a new composition by Matthew Hindson with choreography by Kay Armstrong. The work features youMove Company, Parramatta String Players and Department of Education Dance Off! students.

Bring a blanket and a picnic, settle back and soak up the best Sydney has to offer with music and dance on a summer evening under the stars.

Kats-Chernin: Zoom and Zip
Kreisler: Liebesleid
Vivaldi: Summer from The Four Seasons
Trad. Finnish: Antin Mikko
Hindson: Thinking about Forever
Bonachela/Bosso: 6 Breaths

Thinking about Forever is produced by the Australian Chamber Orchestra and Western Sydney Dance Action.

Symphony in The Domain: Midsummer Shakespeare



January 22 at 8pm


2hrs, including interval


The Domain, Royal Botanic Gardens



This year's Symphony in The Domain is a magnificent double celebration: great music inspired by Shakespeare, and Australia's greatest Shakespearean actor, John Bell AO, Artistic Director, Bell Shakespeare.

Spread out a rug, relax on the grass and soak up your favourite tunes from Mendelssohn's A Midsummer Night's Dream and Prokofiev's Romeo & Juliet. Then enjoy the dramatic centrepiece of the evening's entertainment as John Bell enacts scenes from the bard's Henry V, accompanied by the massed forces of the Sydney Symphony and Sydney Philharmonia Choirs.

NICOLAI: Merry Wives of Windsor: Overture (8')
WALTON: Henry V - A Shakespeare Scenario (selections ) (40') with John Bell and Sydney Philharmonia Choirs


MENDELSSOHN: A Midsummer Night's Dream: Overture (12')
PROKOFIEV: Romeo & Juliet: 3 Scenes (18')
TCHAIKOVSKY: 1812 Overture (16') with Sydney Philharmonia Choirs

We strongly recommend using public transport - call 131 500 for information.

Limited spaces will be available for RTA Mobility Parking Scheme Permit Holders and must be booked before the event on 02 8006 5700. An accessible viewing area for patrons with a disability is located on the eastern side of The Domain between tower 6 and 7. 



January 26 at 11am


Sydney Harbour

View Map



This enormously popular Australia Day event sees Sydney’s favourite green and gold ferries carve up the harbour like watercraft possessed. Punters line the harbour foreshore to barrack on these robust old gals as they race from Circular Quay to Shark Island before crossing the finish line under the Harbour Bridge. 

Pack a picnic and prepare to cheer up a storm.

Australia Day Celebrations

Sydney will once again become the perfect playground for thousands of patriotic Aussies celebrating Australia Day on Wednesday 26 January.

Pay tribute to who we are as a nation among Sydney’s iconic landmarks – Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Hyde Park or the city centre.



2010年12月20日 星期一

Art Gallery Exhibition - 4 Feb - 26 Apr 2011- Homage to the ancestors:


美術館將於 4 Feb - 26 Apr 2011 推出「楚文化』特展 (由湖北博物館來的七十件骨董,以青銅器為主) - 大都來字曾侯乙古墓及九連墩古墓,是戰國時代古蹟。(以前台北歷史博物館展出過,反應相當熱烈)

In ancient China, ritual ensured the power of the state and social cohesion. Banquets were offered to the ancestors and heavenly deities, with elaborate bronzes used to hold food and wine and musical instruments playing an important role. The items used in these ceremonies were commonly placed in their owner’s tomb after death to provide the person in the afterlife with the same material environment they’d enjoyed while living.

This exhibition features some 70 stunning ritual objects from one particular region and time – the ancient Chu kingdom in the Warring States period (481-221 BCE). Most are from the treasure-filled tombs of the Marquis Yi of Zeng and an anonymous aristocrat at Jiuliandun, which rank among the most astonishing discoveries ever made in Chinese archaeology.

Drawn from the holdings of the Hubei Provincial Museum, the superb artefacts include bronze vessels, musical instruments, lacquer wares and jades, many demonstrating an artistic perfection and a technological sophistication unparalleled anywhere in the ancient world.

Homage to the ancestors complements the Gallery’s major exhibition The First Emperor: China’s entombed warriors, together providing an insight into two essential aspects of the Chinese state more than two millennia ago – ritual and war.

The exhibition has been organised to coincide with the City of Sydney 2011 Chinese New Year Festival in conjunction with the Chinese government and Hubei province.




Pictures from :http://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/exhibitions/homage-ancestors/


Cindy Lin plays Copland Clarinet Concerto

Cindy Lin plays Copland Clarinet Concerto

2010年12月3日 星期五

雪梨台灣學校西北校區--Year End Parents Morning Tea Party -04/12/2010





本週六   4th of Dec. 將是雪梨台灣學校2010 學年度的最後一週.




Year End Parents Morning Tea Party.



時間 : 10:00am --  4/12/2010

地點: 中文學校家長休息室




劉校長也將會與您討論明年度 -- 2011 年學校各項活動規劃.



** 請義工家長協助準備一份小點心與大家分享..感激不盡 **



Hope to see you all there..


Thank you so much in advance.











2010年12月1日 星期三

樂活元氣養生行活動照片影片分享 21/11/2010

Presented by "Lin Studio Films"


樂活元氣養生行後記...Sophia Huang


春季裡,連續幾天陰雨綿綿,原本擔心此次戶外讀書會活動可能受天候的影響而無法盡興, 但此次的樂活元氣養生行,十分幸運的天公作美,給了我們一個晴空朗朗, 雲淡風清的好日子,頓時大夥們都感到十分舒暢, 心也跟著明亮了起來.感謝老天幫忙.. 而此時不禁想起朱熹 的的一首詩 春日

勝日尋芳泗水濱, 無邊光景一時新; 等閒識得東風面, 萬紫千紅總是

能在風光明媚的時節, 踏青健行是件很美好的事, 我們一行人於十點鐘左右集合, Ms Winnie Chang 的簡單行程導覽後, 分批的探訪了雪梨奧運公園的 Brickpit Ring Walk , 步行此處獨特的彩虹高架步道,全長 500m , 18.5m, 雖未見金鐘蛙的蹤跡, 也許正深藏於湖面的某個角落, 不易找尋, 但看到一群野鴨悠閒的滑行於佈滿綠色青藻的水面上.很有意思, 而在不遠處也參觀了雪梨早期的造磚場. 難得的是瞭解所謂 --綠色奧運的故事 , 佩服澳洲政府為保護瀕臨絕跡的金鐘蛙棲息地, 將原本預定規劃之 2000 年雪梨奧運所需之網球場停工,用行動來保護原始生態環境並建造獨特步道讓大家參觀, 以其歷史與環境的特殊性.因此 Brickpit Ring Walk 也獲得   2006  National Trust Heritage Award Winner. 著實讓大家上了一堂人類與自然環境和平共處之課.

接著轉站至 Homebuy bay Bicentennial Park 與許多家庭成員在 Lake Belvedere湖畔旁大樹下,共享野餐, 休息半晌之後, 大夥們向Ms. Sue Wong學了十八式的太極養生操. 練習了許多簡單易學的太極招式 .不但如此, 大小朋友也趁微風揚起時, 放放風箏, 玩玩飛盤 , 好不自在.此行不但能親近自然,也能養生健行和親子同樂, 真是收穫滿滿, 衷心的感謝所有規劃此次活動的朋友們的細心安排.讓我們享受一個身心愉快的家庭半日遊.



感謝許多朋友 Charles Lin, Wong Chi, Lisa Chu, (包含小編, 偶) 支援活動攝影紀錄與影片編輯..看著好友的影片製作功力精進許多,好棒..我們實在太有福了.





大夥專心聽 Ms Winnie Chang 的導覽






Brickpit Ring Walk 的珍貴的金鐘蛙介紹 






獨特的彩虹步道全景,全長 500m, 高度 18.5m

轉站至 Sydney - Homebush Bay - Bicentennial Park picnic - 家庭野餐


野餐後.. Sue Wong 指導大家 太極十八式養生操..氣息調和,身體運行之"肩前拖球"








Yea, 好一個清涼愉快的親子同樂行


Ms. Sue Wong 示範的十八式太極養生操..大家有空該得好好練習噢.

 感謝 Lisa Chu 的影片拍攝

澳洲樂活讀書會 第八十八期活動預告 『 悅讀閱讀 享受幸福』

澳洲樂活讀書會 第八十八期活動預告   『   悅讀閱讀 享受幸福』   閱讀可以陶冶性情,也是終身學習的基石   , 能彼此分享或聽導讀,讓自己有個動機來閱讀也是很好的事情 . 一起閱讀 ’ 吧! 讓我們保持年輕 .   永遠像個學生 ,   保持...