2010年8月28日 星期六

2010 雪梨僑校運動會-- 05/09/2010



又到了春暖花開的季節, 一年一度的雪梨僑校運動會暨台灣美食園遊會*將於201095日星期日早上11:00St Ives High School (Yarrabung Rd St Ives NSW 2075)** 舉行。


您思念已久的家鄉味,將在這裡得到滿足,讓珍珠奶茶,刈包,肉圓,滷肉飯, 滷味,牛肉麵,香腸, 黑輪, 油飯等,撫慰您的台灣胃。慈濟的師兄姐們精心烹調的美味素食,讓您吃了讚不絕口。在這多元化的國家裏,您還可以品嘗到法國的牛軋糖,日本的壽司,西式甜甜圈;選購澳洲純天然原料製成的手工香皂。當天也會有小小的跳蚤市場,可以買到大朋友和小朋友的書,玩具,衣物,家電用品等,資源不浪費;愛地球,就從我們做起!


今年,各班的老師和學生們聯合學校的家長會帶給您年度成果海報展。當您購買園遊會的點卷時,您手上的摸彩卷,意義重大。把摸彩卷投在您最喜歡的海報下,票數最多的幸運班級將得到『熱門海報展獎』。隨後, 這些摸彩卷將集合處理,進行幸運大摸彩。


感謝我們的贊助廠商和僑界各界代表提供了豐富的摸彩獎品。大獎獎品包括有東元家電提供的LCD 液晶螢幕電視, 2; Aussie Baby 提供的按摩椅墊; Tel Pacific Hello 電話卡; 中華航空公司機票折價卷10張等等。買得越多,中獎機率越大,大獎等您抱回家。


如果您有任何疑問,請email , sts@atfa.org.au.


*運動會, 9:40am 開始進場, 園遊會11:00am 開始, 11~12 am 海報展投票, 13:00pm 摸彩


** St Ives High School 地圖, 請點http://maps.google.com.au/maps/place?cid=5126274645872557884&q=st+ives+high+school&hl=en&gl=au




Dear Parents/Friends,

Sydney Taiwanese School (STS) Spring Fair is on once again!

STS is holding its Annual School Sport Carnival and Taiwanese Spring Fair* on Sunday 5th September 2010, 11am ~ 2pm, at St Ives High School. * * Bring your family, grab your friends, come and experience a truly multicultural experience.


You will be able to taste many traditional Taiwanese light dishes without a nine hour flight to Taiwan! Delicious vegetarian dishes will delight you. You will also find delicious French nougat, yummy Japanese Sushi, 100% Australian handmade fine soaps and many more. You will regret it if you do not try them all. We will also be holding a garage sale. There will be many “pre-loved” items to choose from - books, clothes, toys, home ware.


This year students and teachers will showcase their work with a display in the gym. You will be using your lucky Draw coupons to vote for the “Most popular poster of 2010”. Please fill in your contact details on the Lucky Draw coupon and then place the coupon under the poster you like. Your vote will be counted and prize will be given to the winner poster. All the coupons will then be placed into a big box for the Lucky Draw.


We would like to thank our sponsors and people from the community for all the wonderful lucky draw prizes including: 32” LCD TV from TECO Australia, massaging seats from Aussie Baby, phone calling cards from Tel Pacific, discount vouchers from China Airlines and many more. Good Luck!


For more information about the Spring Fair, please send an email to sts@atfa.org.au


* Annual Sports Carnival stats at 9:40am; Spring Fair starts at 11:00am; vote for the “Most Popular poster” from 11~12 am; Lucky Draws stats at 13:00pm


** St Ives High School can be found here (click the link) http://maps.google.com.au/maps/place?cid=5126274645872557884&q=st+ives+high+school&hl=en&gl=au



Best Regards,

Australian Taiwanese Friendship Association

Sydney Taiwanese School


Tel:  (02)9980 2111

Fax: (02)9980 6111

2/340 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120

Website: www.atfa.org.au

Email: sts@atfa.org.au

Sydney Taiwanese School is part of a NSW Department of Education & Training Community Languages School Program. This project is funded by the Minister for Education and Training and administered by the Department of Education and Training.





澳洲樂活讀書會 第八十八期活動預告 『 悅讀閱讀 享受幸福』

澳洲樂活讀書會 第八十八期活動預告   『   悅讀閱讀 享受幸福』   閱讀可以陶冶性情,也是終身學習的基石   , 能彼此分享或聽導讀,讓自己有個動機來閱讀也是很好的事情 . 一起閱讀 ’ 吧! 讓我們保持年輕 .   永遠像個學生 ,   保持...